What is a "good deal" in a domestic violence charge?

Las Vegas Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

What is a “good deal” in a domestic violence charge?
A bad deal in a domestic violence charge is having it on your record if you have no criminal convictions or only minimal criminal history. Period. A good lawyer will fight for his client and seek a good deal that involves dismissal of the charges upon paying a fine, completing classes, having no new arrests during a one year period.

I have obtained great results for my clients in domestic violence charges. Here are a few recent results I’ve obtained for my clients in just the last 2 months:

    My client was charged with Felony Strangulation in which he was accused of choking his wife to the point she passed out. The police arrived and spoke with my client’s wife who told them that my client had strangled her. Additionally, the police spoke with my client’s children who stated they witnessed the attack. Finally, the police spoke with my client who admitted that he did choke his wife and the police took photographs of the injuries and bruises around his wife’s neck. They arrested him and booked him on Felony Strangulation in violation of NRS 200.481. Despite all this evidence, I was able to get the case completely dismissed in January 2011 without my client even having to take a class or pay a fine.

    A second client was accused of battery constituting domestic violence. This also appeared to be a bad case for me client since he was heard in the background of the 911 call threatening and yelling at his wife who called 911. When the police arrived, they took photographs of my client’s wife and her statement in which she indicated my client was drunk, threatened her, and attacked her. I worked out a deal in which all charges will be dismissed against my client after he pays a fine, completes a class, and has no new arrests during a one-year time. After a long fight, I obtained this deal for my client in February 2011.

    A third client of mine was charged with battery constituting domestic violence when he was arrested after his wife called 911. When the police arrived, they found my client intoxicated. He admitted that the two had been fighting and that he did physically assault his wife. Additionally, my client’s wife told the police and in a written statement that my client had physically assaulted her. Finally, my client’s brother-in-law had told the police he received a call from my client’s wife. During that conversation over the telephone, he stated that he overheard my client yelling in the background and stated that my client’s wife was crying and stating that my client had hit her. Additionally, the police took pictures of the injuries and the damage they claimed my client had done to the residence. Despite all this evidence, in February 2011, I was able to obtain a great deal where my client would receive a dismissal of all his charges if he pays a fine, completes a course, and has no new arrests for one year.